Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Reflux In Babies More Condition_symptoms Did Your Babies Reflux Cause Any Permanent Damage?

Did your babies reflux cause any permanent damage? - reflux in babies more condition_symptoms

My baby is 4 weeks and was diagnosed with reflux 1 weeks ago, received Axid and it seemed better last week, but suddenly it seemed that no longer work correctly. Last night, as loud screaming with pain in the arch back and belching. What was your child have received more than one med, no permanent damage it?


Melissa ~ Parker's Mommy said...

My son was Axid well as I 12 weeks, which seems to have helped, to some, but if it does not really fight effectively against the ebb. Then the doctor will be prescribed Prevacid and told us to thicken the milk should remain low, and the hypoallergenic formula. It was the right combination of things to help my son, and he went out in pain for a happy baby, smiling in no time. Self prevacid miracles happen for him.

As far as I know, cause no loss of permanent damage. He wanted to test, after a specialist in pediatric gastrointestinal ebb. However, reflux was considered serious. He had silent reflux, where he spits really great, however, leads to reflux of milk into their lungs and the problems of sleep apnea. This is often not the case for babies with reflux, and most are in pain, but have not been done before, but as you can see that serious problems may arise can. The night my son had stopped breathing during sleep was the longest night of my life. As in the prevacid and thickened milk, which had no problem with sleep apnea, da. I hope you find something that works for your child and soon became much-needed relief.

Mom of Ethan and Sophie said...

We have the same with my daughter. About every week or every week by the MD had been dosed, because I have a good amount of weight that the number of doses earned does not work. Finally, the downturn was when she 4 months old. We begin in 0.8 ml of Zantac and now in 1.5 ml It's nice work. It may be that your baby has gained a significant amount of weight, should increase the dosage of May or requires a different order. My son was on Prevacid and Zantac for reflux. Call your pediatrician office and tell them you do not believe there is more work. The nurse must remember, and says that increasing the dose that the doctor thinks that it works, or if you want to try their luck with another drug. No, there was no damage to my son who is 2 years now. Finally exceeded its return at about 13-14 months and is very good. By and by the withdrawal of our 7 months at lower doses, as it suits me so well. Good luck!

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